Intelligent Forms Privacy Policy

IntelligentForms is a service of Welltime Limited. IntelligentForms and Welltime (“Welltime”,“IntelligentForms”, or “we” or “us”) are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. Our privacy policy describes how we capture and use the personal information that we gather about visitors to this website and users of our products and services. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal information and how we will treat it.

IntelligentForms provides products and services which enable our service providers to create and administer forms. We may host service provider’s forms on our servers and collect the responses to those forms on their behalf. Service providers may also upload contact information of potential form respondents to invite them to participate in a survey. We refer to this contact information and responses as “Survey Data”. Service providers remain data controllers of this Form Data and we process it solely in accordance with our agreement with service providers (for example, our Terms of Use Agreement).

IntelligentForms acts as a data processor in relation to Form Data. If you are a form respondent, the data controller of the Form Data is the service provider who invited you to respond to the form. For all other personal information in relation to service providers, your data controller is IntelligentForms.

If you have any questions, comments, or complaints regarding our privacy policy or practices, please contact us at the following addresses:

Attn: Data Protection Officer,
Welltime Limited, 52 Gordon Drive, Glasgow, G44 3TN, UK

or at

Our privacy practices differ depending on whether you fall into one of two categories, so we have created different policies for each of these, accessible from the links below:

Summary: Privacy policy if you use our products and services, or visit our website (other than as a form respondent)

Our full privacy policy is below. In summary:

  • Your Form Data is your information. We will only process it to provide our products and services to you.
  • For all other information, we will only use the information that you provide to us or that we collect about you as described in this privacy policy, including to provide our products and services, to respond to your enquiries and to protect and improve our products, services, and website.
  • We may use your information to send you marketing communications. You can ask us to stop doing this at any time. You have other rights in relation to your personal information, such as the rights to access, amend or request the deletion of personal information that we hold about you, or in some cases to object to our use of it.
  • We only share your information in limited circumstances, as we describe below.
  • We apply high standards of security to all information that we hold, our information security policies and procedures follow industry best practice.

Summary: Privacy policy if you are a form respondent

Our full privacy policy is below. In summary:

  • We collect the Form Data on behalf of service provider and the data controller of the Form Data is the service provider who invited you to reponed to the form.
  • Service providers determine how they design their forms, what information they will collect, and what they will use it for. You should review their privacy information to understand how your information will be used. In the majority of cases, you should contact the service provider if you have any questions about their form, or to exercise your rights in relation to the Form Data.
  • We provide service providers with a range of options as to where their Form Data will be hosted, so please contact them for details for that form.
  • We collect very limited information about you on behalf of service providers who invited you to responsd to forms (as described in our full policy below). We will only use it for limited purposes including protecting the security of our services and to respond to you if you contact us directly. We will not use your contact information for marketing.
  • We apply high standards of security to all information that we hold, our information security policies and procedures follow industry best practice.

Privacy policy if you use our products and services, or visit our website (other than as a form respondent)

This policy applies to all personal information for which we are the data controller. As you are the data controller for your Form Data, different principles often apply to it and where relevant we include a note on Form Data at the end of each section.

  1. The information we collect about you
  2. How we use your information
  3. Who we share your information with
  4. Links to other websites
  5. Updating your information
  6. Your rights as a data subject
  7. How long we keep your information
  8. Security of your information
  9. International transfers of information
  10. Changes to our privacy policy

1. The information we collect about you

We collect information about you when you provide it to us, when you use our products, services, and website, and when other sources provide it to us, as follows:

Account information: where you subscribe to our products or services or create an account with us, we collect information from you such as your name and email address, username, phone number, address, and organization. We also ask for and collect personal information such as an email address and name from any individual that you authorize to use our products or services.

Billing information: where you need to make a payment to us for our products or services, we collect your billing details, including a billing address and financial and payment information.

Information that you provide to us: we collect the information that you give to us, for example when you:

  • contact us by phone, email, online chat, or otherwise.
  • fill in forms on our website.
  • register to use our website.
  • sign up for our newsletters and promotions.
  • respond to a form run by ourselves (e.g. to get feedback on our own services and training courses).
  • register or attend one of our events or training courses.
  • respond forums on our website.
  • contact us for customer support.

Technical information: we collect information relating to your interaction with our products, services, and website, including the type of browser and/or device used, operating system, files viewed, date/time stamp, referrer page, and IP address.

Usage information: we may collect information about your usage of our products and services, including the version of any of our software that you are using and the number of users of that software. We also collect information about your use of our website including which webpages you view, the services you view or search for, your referring and exit pages, the length of visits to certain pages, and the times and dates of these actions.

Cookies: we use cookies to distinguish you from other users of our products, services, and website. This helps us to improve our website’s performance and your experience of using our website. You can control the use of cookies at the individual browser level. Some of those cookies are necessary for the use of our services. If you reject cookies, you can still use our website, but your ability to use some features or areas of our website may be limited.

Web beacons: when we send you emails, we may include a web beacon to allow us to determine the number of people who open our emails and information such as when and how many times the email was viewed, whether any links were clicked on, whether the email was forwarded, your geographic location and browser and device type. This helps us to measure the effectiveness of our email campaigns. When you click on a link in an email, we may record this individual response to customize our offerings to you. Web beacons can be refused when delivered via email. If you do not wish to receive web beacons via email, you will need to disable HTML images or refuse HTML emails via your email software, but please note that this is likely to reduce the functionality of such emails.

Social media features and widgets: Our website includes social media features, such as the Facebook Like button and widgets, such as the Share This button or interactive mini-programs that run on our website. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our website. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them.

Third-party services: if you choose to enable or connect to a third-party application or service in conjunction with our products and services, that third party service may make certain information about you available to us, for example, your name and email address in order to authenticate you. You should check your privacy settings on these third-party services to understand and control the information provided to us through these services.

Information from other users: other users of our products or services may provide us with information about you. For example, when another individual authorizes you to use our products and services, they will provide us with your name and email address, or an individual in your organization may provide us with your contact information if they designate you as the billing or technical contact on your organization’s account.

Form Data: if you are a service provider using our forms products and services you may upload contact information of potential form respondents to our products and services and we may collect your form response data for you. You remain the data controller of this Form Data and we process it solely in accordance with the agreement between us.

2. How we use your information

We use the information that we hold about you in the following ways. For each of these, we have identified our legal basis for processing your information in that way.

This section does not relate to your Form Data – we process this only in accordance with your instructions and our agreement with you.

Providing our products and services: we use your information to provide you with the products and services which you have subscribed to or requested. This may include providing you with customer support and with the benefits of any auto-update feature associated with the relevant product or service. This processing is necessary to perform our contract with you for these products and services.

To collect payment: we use your information to collect fees due to us for your use of our products and services, in accordance with our legitimate interests of collecting revenue.

Responding to enquiries: we will use your contact information and any information that you send to us to respond to your questions, requests for information or complaints. Depending on the nature of your enquiry, we may do this on the basis of performing our contract with you, our legal obligations, or our legitimate interests of providing you with the best service and understanding how we can improve our products and services based on your experience.

Third-party services: where you choose to enable or connect to a third-party application or service we use the information provided about you by that application or service to enable it to work in conjunction with our products or services.

To protect our business, products, services, and website: we will use your information in accordance with our legitimate interests of administering and maintaining our systems and ensuring network and information security, for example, to prevent unauthorized access to our networks, to investigate faults, to control the abuse of our products or services, to prevent denial of service attacks and to monitor system usage and server load.

To develop, test and improve our products, services, and website: we will use your information about how you use our products, services, and website to improve the user experience for our users, for example, to ensure we are offering appropriate features, supporting appropriate browsers and devices and to ensure our website content is presented in the most effective manner. We do this on the basis of your consent to our use of cookies and in accordance with our legitimate interests of developing our existing products, services and website, understanding how we can continue to improve them, and creating new products and services.

Monitoring and enforcing our rights: we may use your information to ensure that you are using our products and services in accordance with the terms on which they are supplied, and to enforce those terms, our website terms of use, or other relevant agreements that we have with you, in accordance with our legitimate interests of being able to enforce our rights.

Legal requests: we may need to use your information to comply with a legal obligation such as to respond to a court order or a request from a supervisory authority or government, or to prevent fraud.

Notifications: we will use your information to send you communications which are required by law or to notify you of changes to our terms or this privacy policy, or changes (permanent or temporary) to our products or services. Depending on the nature of the communication we may do this on the basis of performing our contract with you or complying with our legal obligations.

Forms and feedback requests: we may use your information to invite you to respond to forms run by us on our own behalf, for example, to invite your feedback on our products, services, and website. These communications will be sent on the basis of our legitimate interests of improving our products, services, and website. However, if you would prefer not to receive such communications, please contact us at

Marketing: we may use your information to provide you with information about our products and services, offers and events that we consider may be of interest to you. This information will relate to our own products and services only, and we will not provide your information to third parties for marketing purposes. We send these communications either on the basis of your consent (where you have specifically consented to receiving such communications) or in accordance with our legitimate interests of growing our business.

You may stop receiving marketing communications from us at any time. To withdraw your consent or to opt-out of receiving marketing communications, you may contact us at or follow the unsubscribe instructions contained in the communication itself.

Legal basis for processing: 

where your data is processed by Welltime Limited or if you are an individual from the EU or the UK, we must have a legal basis for collecting and using your information when we act as data controller. This will be one of the following:

  1. where we require the information to perform a contract with you (e.g. to deliver the services that you have requested);
  2. where we have your consent to do so, and in this case, you have the right to withdraw or refuse to give your consent at any time. This will not, however, affect the lawfulness of any processing based on your consent before you withdraw it;
  3. where the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests (and those legitimate interests are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms); or
  4. where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

If you have any questions about or require further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your information, including regarding our legitimate interests, please contact us.

3. Who we share your information with

We will only disclose your information in the circumstances below:

Our service providers: we may disclose your information to our third-party service providers. In each case, we have agreements in place with the service providers to ensure that they provide appropriate protection for your information and to ensure that they are only permitted to use your information in accordance with our instructions and as necessary to provide the relevant service to us.

For example, we engage third parties to provide the following services:

  • hosting our online form services and our website.
  • sending service providers communications.
  • providing our online chat services.
  • provide analytics information.
  • manage credit card processing.

Professional advisers: we may need to disclose your information to our professional advisers, including our lawyers, bankers, auditors, and insurers.

Compliance with legal obligations and enforcement of our rights: we may also have to disclose your information if this is reasonably required to:

  • comply with any applicable law, regulation or legal process or to respond to a request from a government or a regulatory body.
  • enforce our agreements, policies, and website terms of use.
  • protect the security or integrity of our products and services.

Our group: IntelligentForms may share information with other departments of Welltime Limited. The protections of this privacy policy apply to the information we share in these circumstances.

Other users within your organization: where your organization purchases products or services from us covering multiple authorized users and contacts, we may disclose your information to other users within your organization, for example, to verify licensing and billing information.

Forums: if you use the forums on this website, you should be aware that any personal information you submit there can be read, collected, or used by other users of these forums, and could be used by them to send you unsolicited messages. We are not responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these forums or for private messages that you send via the forum. To request removal of your personal information from our community forum, contact us at

You have the option of receiving email notifications each time someone replies to the threads or boards you add to your notify list. If you no longer wish to receive these types of notifications simply login to your forum account and modify your notification settings.

4. Links to other websites

This privacy policy covers our products, services, and website. Our website may contain links to and from third-party websites. The information practices and the content of such other websites are governed by the privacy policy of that website. If you click on a link to those websites you will leave our website to go to the website that you selected. Please note that we cannot accept responsibility or liability for any use of your personal information by such third parties, and we cannot guarantee that they will adhere to the same privacy practices as us. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third party before you submit any personal data to them.

5. Updating your information

If you wish to update, amend, correct or request deletion of your personal information you may do so by making the change within your account once logged in or by emailing us at We will respond to your request within 30 days.

6. Your rights as a data subject

Your right to access: at your request we will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information and provide a copy of this information to you. To request this information please contact us at You may update, amend, correct or request deletion of your personal information as described above.

Where your information is processed by IntelligentForms and Welltime Limited or if you are from the EU or the UK you may have the right to exercise additional rights available to you, including:

Right of Erasure: in certain circumstances you have the right to erasure of personal information held about you, although this may be qualified where e.g. it is necessary for that information to be retained for record keeping purposes or compliance with our obligations. If we are unable to comply with your request, we will explain why.

Right of Rectification: you have the right to have your personal information rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

Right to Object: you have the right to request that we stop processing your personal information for marketing purposes, and can request that we stop processing your personal information for other purposes based on our legitimate interests. In some cases, we may be able to demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue to process your information.

Right of Restriction: you may have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information (e.g. where you believe that the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or unlawfully held).

Right to Data Portability: you may have the right to be provided with your personal information in a structured, machine-readable, and commonly used format and to request that we transfer the personal information provided by you to another data controller.

You also have the right to withdraw consent at any time where we are relying on consent to process your personal information. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent.

If you would like to exercise such rights, please contact us at To protect your privacy and security, we may take steps to verify your identity before complying with the request.

You also have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority. In the UK, this is the Information Commissioner’s Office A list of EU Supervisory Authorities

is available here:

7. How long we keep your information

We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide our products or services or otherwise fulfil the purposes described in this policy, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting or reporting requirements. If you wish to delete your personal information at any time, please contact us at If we are unable to comply with that request, for example because we need to retain some or all of your information to comply with a legal obligation, we will let you know and will explain why.

Form Data: you are in control of the management of your Form Data and can request for the deletion of it from our online systems or download it to your own systems at any time. Please refer to our contract with you for the specific period for which we retain your Form Data when we cease providing you with our products and services and for how long your Form Data remains in our backups before being permanently deleted.

Retention of medical Form Data: where Form Data contains medical information, retention of medical Form Data is governed by the applicable regulatory requirements.

8. Security of your information

We take the security of your information extremely seriously, our information security policies and procedures follow industry best practice.

All information that you provide to us is stored on secure servers. When you enter personal information within the customer login area of the site, we encrypt that information using transport layer security (TLS). Where you use a password to access certain areas of our website and services you are responsible for keeping this password confidential.

Our data centre providers are located in the UK. Your Form Data is encrypted on the servers at rest and in transit across the internet.

9. International transfers of information

IntelligentForms may share information with other departments of Welltime Limited. We do not transfer you data to any third parties. Our data centre providers are based in in the UK, we do not transfer your data outside the UK borders.

10. Changes to our privacy policy

We may change this privacy policy from time to time. We will post any privacy policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will post a notice on the homepage of our website, the login screens for our services, and/or we will send an email notification to our account holders.

Privacy policy if you are a form respondent


IntelligentForms’s products and services enable service provider to create and administer forms. We may host our customers’ forms on our servers and collect the responses to those forms on their behalf. service provider may also upload contact information of potential form respondents to invite them to responsd to a form. We refer to this contact information and responses as “form Data”. Service provider remain data controllers of this form Data and we process it solely in accordance with our agreement with service providers.

Service provider have total discretion to determine what information they collect, who they invite to respond to a form, whether they upload respondent information, what the form Data will be used for, whether it will be combined with other information and data, who it will be shared with and how long it will be stored. We strongly recommend you read the privacy notices and/or obtain privacy information from the service provider who has invited you to respond to the form to fully understand how your form Data will be used.

We offer service providers a range of options as to how they host their forms, including on servers managed by us in the UK. Service providers may also install our products on their own servers in which case the form is hosted by our customer and we do not process any form Data relating to that form. The rest of this policy applies only where we host forms on behalf of Service providers or otherwise process form Data for them (for example, where we carry out paper forms for them).

  1. The information we collect about you
  2. How we use your information
  3. Who we share your information with
  4. Your rights as a data subject
  5. How long we keep your information
  6. Security of your information
  7. International transfers of information
  8. Changes to our privacy policy

1. The information we collect about you

We collect the following information about you:

Form Data: we collect your form responses. Service provider may also have uploaded your contact information to enable them to invite you to respond to the form, and send reminder emails to you. As explained above, we process this form Data on service provider’s behalf and make no use of it ourselves.

Technical information: we collect information relating to your interaction with our software and services, including the type of browser and/or device used, operating system, date/time stamp, referrer page, and IP address. We link some of this information to your form Data, for the purposes of authentication and validation.

Cookies: our online form services use a limited number of cookies. The most relevant one to you is that they will use a cookie to prevent you from completing the same form multiple times, if service provider has enabled this feature.

Your contact information: we will collect information from you if you contact us directly, for example in relation to a form invitation that you have received.

2. How we use your information

We use the information that we hold about you in the following ways:

Form Data – to provide our products and services: we hold, store, and process your Form Data solely to provide our products and services to service providers, in accordance with our agreement with them.

Technical information – to protect our services, and for analysis: we will use your information in accordance with our legitimate interests of administering and maintaining our systems and ensuring network and information security, for example to prevent unauthorized access to our networks, to investigate faults, to control the abuse of our products or services, to prevent denial of service attacks and to monitor system usage and server load. We may also use this information in aggregate form for our legitimate interests of improving our products and services.

Cookies – to prevent multiple form completion: if the service provider has enabled this feature, our online Form services will use a cookie to prevent you from completing the same Form multiple times.

Your contact information – to respond to your enquiry: we will only use your contact information where you contact us directly, in order to respond to your enquiry. This is in accordance with our legitimate interests of providing customer service. In many cases (for example where you wish to exercise your rights as a data subject) this is likely to involve referring you to the service provider for them to respond to you directly.

We will not use any information that we hold about you for marketing purposes unless you have provided consent for it.

3. Who we share your information with

Form Data: unless we are required to do so by law, we will not disclose your Form Data to any third parties other than the service provider who invited you to respond to a form.

Your contact information: where you contact us directly we may, if appropriate, refer your enquiry to the service provider.

4. Your rights as a data subject

Your right to access: at your request we will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information (other than your Form Data) and provide a copy of this information to you. To request this information please contact us at You may also request that we update, amend, correct, or delete your personal information.

If you wish to access, correct, or delete your Form Data, opt-out of any use or disclosure of your Form Data or exercise any of the other rights described below in relation to your Form Data, you will need to contact our customer directly. Where necessary, we will provide assistance to service provider to deal with your request.

Right of Erasure: in certain circumstances you have the right to erasure of personal information held about you, although this may be qualified where e.g. it is necessary for that information to be retained for record-keeping purposes or compliance with our obligations.

Right to Object: you may have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for purposes based on our legitimate interests. In some cases, we may be able to demonstrate that we have compelling legitimate grounds to process your information which overrides your rights and freedoms.

Right of Restriction: you may have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data (e.g. where you believe that the personal data we hold about you is inaccurate or unlawfully held).

Right to Data Portability: you may have the right to be provided with your personal data in a structured, machine-readable, and commonly used format and to request that we transfer the personal information provided by you to another data controller.

If you would like to exercise such rights, please contact us at To protect your privacy and security, we may take steps to verify your identity before complying with the request.

You also have the right to withdraw consent at any time where we are relying on consent to process your personal information. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent.

You also have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal data. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority. In the UK, this is the Information Commissioner’s Office A list of EU Supervisory Authorities is available here:

5. How long we keep your information

Form Data: service provider determine how long they store your Form Data in our products and services, so if you have any questions about this please ask them directly.

Retention of medical Form Data: where Form Data contains medical information, retention of Form Data is governed by the applicable regulatory requirements.

Aside from Form Data we are likely to hold only very limited information about you. We typically retain technical information for seven years from the date we collect it and will retain your contact information for no longer than a year after we have resolved your enquiry (unless we have a specific reason to retain it for longer, for example, to comply with a legal requirement).

6. Security of your information

We take the security of your information extremely seriously and our information security policies and procedures follow industry best practice.

All information that you provide to us is stored on secure servers. Our data centre providers are based in the UK, and service providers’ Form Data is encrypted on the servers at rest and in transit across the internet.

7. International transfers of information

Welltime Limited and IntelligentForms may share information with other departments of Welltime Limited.

Form data is encrypted and is not shared with any third parties other than the service provider who h invited you to respond to the forms. Our data centre providers are based in the UK. We do not transfer your data outside the UK borders.

In relation to Form Data, we offer service provider a number of options in terms of where their forms may be hosted, including servers managed by us in the UK or the US, or on their own servers. To find out where a form is hosted, please contact the customer that invited you to participate in it. Where we host the form we will only transfer the Form Data to our customer and to our approved subprocessors in accordance with the agreement with our customer.

8. Changes to our privacy policy

We may change this privacy policy from time to time. We will post any privacy policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will post a notice on the homepage of our website and the login screens for our services. We will also keep prior versions of this policy in an archive for your review.

Last updated 1st March 2021.


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